Determinants of physical activity in young wheelchair-user with spina bifida
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6-Minute Push Test in Youth Who Have Spina Bifida and Who Self-Propel a Wheelchair
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Wheelchair Shuttle Test for Assessing Aerobic Fitness in Youth With Spina Bifida: Validity and Reliability
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Physical fitness and physical behavior in (wheelchair-using) youth with spina bifida
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Validity and Reliability of Skill-Related Fitness Tests for Wheelchair-Using Youth with Spina Bifida
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Validation of the actical and actiheart monitor in ambulatory children with spina bifida
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Muscle strength, aerobic capacity and physical activity in independent ambulating children with lumbosacral spina bifida
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Inspanningsfysiologie bij kinderen met spina bifida
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Interpretation of maximal exercise testing and the relationship with functional ambulation parameters in ambulating children with spina bifida.
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