Specific fluorescent signatures for body fluid identification using fluorescence spectroscopy
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Classification of condom lubricants in cyanoacrylate treated fingerprints by desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
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Three distinct physical behavior types infatigued patients with multiple sclerosis
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Personally perceived publication pressure: revising the Publication Pressure Questionnaire (PPQ) by using work stress models
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De ontwikkeling van interculturele competenties tijdens een studieverblijf in het buitenland
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Combining soft system methodology and pareto analysis in safety management performance assessment
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Liveable streets in Hanoi: a principal component analysis
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Estimating reliability coefficients with heterogeneous item weightings using Stata: A factor based approach
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Recognizing Resillience: Development and Validation of an Instrument to Recognize Resilience in Dutch Middle-Adolescents.
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