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Patients with poststroke aphasia have higher mortality rates and worse functional outcome than patients without aphasia. Nurses are well aware of aphasia and the associated problems for patients with stroke because they have daily contact with them. The challenge is to provide evidence-based care directed at the aphasia. Although rehabilitation stroke guidelines are available, they do not address the caregiving of nurses to patients with aphasia. The aim of this study was to explore the evidence on rehabilitation of stroke patients with aphasia in relation to nursing care, focusing on the following themes: (1) the identification of aphasia, (2) the effectiveness of speech-language interventions.The findings of this study can be used to develop nursing rehabilitation guidelines for stroke patients with aphasia. Further research is necessary to explore the feasibility of using such guidelines in clinical nursing practice and to examine the experiences of patients with nursing interventions directed at aphasia.
This paper is a report of a review conducted to provide an overview of the evidence in the literature on task-oriented training of stroke survivors and its relevance in daily nursing practice. Background: Stroke is the second leading cause of death and one of the leading causes of adult disability in the Western world. The use of neurodevelopmental treatment in the daily nursing care of stroke survivors does not improve clinical outcomes. Nurses are therefore exploring other forms of rehabilitation intervention, including task-oriented rehabilitation. Despite the growing number of studies showing evidence on task-oriented interventions, recommendations for daily nursing practice are lacking. A range of databases was searched to identify papers addressing taskoriented training in stroke rehabilitation, including Medline, CINAHL, Embase and the Cochrane Library of systematic reviews. Papers published in English between January 1996 and September 2007 were included. There were 42 papers in the final dataset, including nine systematic reviews. Review methods: The selected randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews were assessed for quality. Important characteristics and outcomes were extracted and summarized. Results: Studies of task-related training showed benefits for functional outcome compared with traditional therapies. Active use of task-oriented training with stroke survivors will lead to improvements in functional outcomes and overall healthrelated quality of life. Conclusion. Generally, task-oriented rehabilitation proved to be more effective. Many interventions are feasible for nurses and can be performed in a ward or at home. Nurses can and should play an important role in creating opportunities to practise meaningful functional tasks outside of regular therapy sessions.
Regenerative forms of higher education are emerging, and required, to connect with some of the grand transition challenges of our times. This paper explores the lived experience of 21 students learning to navigate a regenerative form of higher education in the Mission Impact course at The Hague University of Applied Sciences. This semester-length course ran for two iterations with the intention of connecting the students with local transitions towards a more circular society, one where products are lasting and have multiple lives when they are shared, refurbished, or become a source for a new product. At the end of each iteration, the students reflected on their experience using the Living Spiral Framework, which served as basis for an interpretative phenomenological analysis of their journey navigating this transformative course. The results of this study include four themes; (1) Opting in—Choosing RHE, (2) Learning in Regenerative Ways, (3) Navigating Resistance(s), and (4) Transformative Impacts of RHE. These themes can be used by practitioners to design and engage with regenerative forms of higher education, and by scholars to guide further inquiry. van den Berg B, Poldner KA, Sjoer E, Wals AEJ. ‘Sweet Acid’ An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Students’ Navigating Regenerative Higher Education. Education Sciences. 2022; 12(8):533. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12080533
Het Nieuwe Telen (HNT) is een teeltmethode waarbij nieuwe inzichten op het gebied van kasklimaat en een verandering in het gedrag van de teler leiden tot een optimaal teeltresultaat in een (semi) gesloten kas, met als neveneffect het besparen van energie. Ondanks de mogelijke voordelen van HNT blijkt dit ‘omdenken’ in de praktijk niet vanzelf te landen en is een nieuwe impuls nodig. In de afgelopen jaren zijn al meerdere gesprekken gevoerd tussen het groene onderwijs en het programma Kas als Energiebron, waarbij de behoefte aan kennisverspreiding via het onderwijs aan de orde is geweest, maar niet in detail is uitgewerkt terwijl de behoefte aan deze detaillering aanwezig is bij zowel het programma, het onderwijs (HBO en MBO) als het bedrijfsleven. Die detaillering is in dit voorstel uitgewerkt in onder andere curriculumontwikkeling MBO en HBO, learning communities in de verschillende tuinbouwregio’s (met cursussen, demo’s, toegepast onderzoek). De consortiumpartners zijn de 4 agrarische hogescholen, het CIV-Tuinbouw, kennisinstellingen WUR, brancheorganisaties, toeleveranciers en agrarische bedrijven. De projectonderdelen bestaan uit een stappenplan transitie HNT, toolontwikkeling, kennisoverdracht via onderwijs en communicatie en valorisatie. In het project wordt HNT indringend met veel glastuinders besproken via een scan, waarin niet alleen de situatie op het bedrijf wordt gemonitord, maar ook kennisvragen worden opgehaald en advies gegeven wordt over laagdrempelige vervolgstappen op bedrijfsniveau. In de tuinbouwgebieden komen learning communities waar bestaande kennis en nieuwe kennis op verschillende manieren wordt gedeeld. Nieuwe tools en nieuwe vormen van kennisoverdracht/delen helpen tuinders bij het zetten van vervolgstappen.