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Bijlage 7: Statistische berekeningen bij hypothese 1 Statistische SPSS Berekeningen Hypothesen Inwonertal Bijlage 8: Statistische berekeningen bij hypothese 2 Statistische SPSS Berekeningen Hypothesen rol lokale media
Self-regulation in the Netherlands: Journalists opening up to a more demanding public. In: The Trust factor report on self-regulation 2015
News media in The Netherlands show great variety in the extent and ways, in which they realize media accountability online in terms of actor transparency, product transparency and feedback opportunities online. It is suggested that even those news rooms that seem to adhere to transparency and public accountability still need to explore the functionality and application of media accountability instruments (MAI). Both in terms of potentials and pitfalls, news rooms need to consider about what they want to be transparent and in what ways. To the extent that online innovations are visible, traditional news media seem to experiment, as is the case with newsroom blogs or the project of hyper local journalism Dichtbij.nl, part of the Telegraaf Company. Various news media have on-going projects on audience participation, online applications and distribution models. However, since many projects merely aim at finding new applications, processes, platforms and business models, it remains to be seen assess whether projects are indeed reasonably innovative and feasible at the same time. The development of an online and therefore immediate, archived, personalized and interactive context, offers practical and ethical challenges to Dutch journalism. These challenges bring shifts in its role and responsibility to society. It means that changes occur in what journalists are accountable for, as well as ways in how they are accountable. The Dutch media landscape lodges various professional accountability instruments like the press council and both profession-wide and news media specific codes of ethics, but some of these instruments receive only moderate support. Proactive openness is more an exception than the rule and may well be a distinctive indicator for quality journalism. Although news media often acknowledge the importance of media accountability offline and online, they often lack the resources or courage to use them or have different priorities. This ambiguous position may indicate that in relation to media accountability online, Dutch news media are between hope and fear: that it will either improve their relationship with the public and fuel professional quality, or ask too much of resources with too little benefit.
Paper voor Politicologenetmaal. Informatievoorziening over lokale politiek was traditioneel de taak van de lokale en regionale media waarbij kranten, huis-aan-huisbladen, lokale - en regionale omroep een belangrijke rol speelden. De rol van deze media wordt langzamerhand kleiner omdat oplagen dalen en de concurrentie van nieuwe digitale media toeneemt. De vraag die in deze bijdrage centraal staat, is welke bijdrage traditionele en nieuwe digitale media leveren aan de informatievoorziening op lokaal (gemeentelijk) niveau. Worden de hoog gespannen verwachtingen op dit terrein daadwerkelijk ingelost? In twee Nederlandse gemeenten in de provincie Utrecht (Leusden en Bunschoten) is deze problematiek getest door alle mediakanalen te inventariseren en gedurende één week de inhoud van deze kanalen te checken op de aanwezigheid van nieuws en informatie die over bestuurlijke politieke aangelegenheden gingen. Uit de resultaten bleek dat er een indrukwekkend aantal print- en audiovisuele media en digitale kanalen aanwezig is in beide plaatsen maar dat veel van deze media geen enkele bijdrage leverden aan de informatievoorziening op politiek gebied. Met name de nieuwe digitale media lieten het afweten, zij bevatten geen nieuws of geen origineel nieuws; hun bijdrage – voor zover aanwezig – beperkte zich tot het doorgeven van nieuws dat elders was verzameld. Ook traditionele media droegen maar matig bij aan de informatievoorziening, er werd sterk geleund op institutionele bronnen zoals gemeente en politieke partijen voor de berichtgeving.
Although basic features of journalism have remained the same over the last decades, the tasks journalists perform, the skills they need and the position they have within news organizations have changed dramatically. Usually the focus in the discourse on changes in journalism is on skills, especially on technical multi-media skills or research skills. In this paper we focus on changes in professional roles of journalists, arguing that these roles have changed fundamentally, leading to a new generation of journalists. We distinguish between different trends in journalism. Journalism has become more technical, ranging from editing video to programming. At the same time, many journalists are now more ‘harvesters’ and ‘managers’ of information and news instead of producers of news. Thirdly, journalists are expected to gather information from citizens and social media, and edit and moderate user-contributions as well. Lastly, many journalists are no longer employed by media but work as freelancers or independent entrepreneurs. We track these trends and provide a detailed description of developments with examples from job descriptions in the Netherlands.
Hoofdstuk 4 van Nieuwsvoorziening in de regio Dit verslag gaat over onafhankelijke lokale nieuws-websites. Daarvan zijn er honderden in Nederland. Dat is dus zonder de websites van kranten, nieuwsbladen, huis-aan-huisbladen en lokale omroepen. Ook aggregatie-sites zijn buiten beschouwing gelaten. Als we die ook mee zouden tellen zouden we op duizenden sites komen. Geen probleem met de lokale nieuwsvoorziening zou je zeggen. Maar op aggregatiesites staat alleen maar nieuws dat eerst ergens anders geplaatst is terwijl sites van printmedia en omroepen vooral het verlengstuk van die media zijn. De echte vernieuwing zou dus moeten komen van die onafhankelijk initiatieven, de één-pitters die op hun zolderkamer de lokale politiek willen coveren, de betrokken burgers die de aandacht van de reguliere media te mager vinden, de ondernemers die een gat in de lokale markt zien. Over die groep – zo’n 125 initiatieven die ruim 300 websites exploiteren – gaat dit rapport: wie zijn ze, waar zitten ze, waarom zijn ze met hun site begonnen, hoe verdienen ze hun geld, hoe komen ze aan hun nieuws, waar schrijven ze over, hoeveel mensen werken er…
Globalization was supposed to connect people, but instead ended up connecting the powerful. Local news is rapidly disappearing and leaving crucial stories unreported, communities unrepresented and disconnected, a side-effect of digitalization and the ownership concentration in media markets. But local and hyperlocal media play an important role in sustaining robust and resilient regimes of public service. In an age of technological changes and political pressure, niche publications and a renaissance of zines lead the quest for new, sustainable models in publishing.In the second instalment of the special edition Eurozine podcast series, produced by Talk Eastern Europe, Eurozine editor-in-chief Réka Kinga Papp talks media models old and new with Rachael Jolley, editor of Index on Censorship and philosopher Miriam Rasch of the Institute of Network Cultures.
The growth of so-called hyperlocal media has created new challenges for research, blurring some of the classic boundaries of local journalism and traditional media. In this chapter we try to understand the role hyperlocal media have in the local media ecosystem by focusing on two European countries: Spain and the Netherlands. We present the methodology applied for the study of hyperlocal media in both cases, adapted to their geographical, social and media context. We identify the main characteristics of hyperlocal media in both countries, observing their distribution in the territory, organizational and productive structures, news content and citizen participation. Finally, we propose some keys for the comparative study of hyperlocal media.