Cybercrime during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Overcoming Privacy-Related Challenges for Game Developers
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Digitale weerbaarheid van mens en organisatie
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Exploratief onderzoek naar menselijke- en omgevingsfactoren die organisaties weerbaar maken tegen social engineeringsaanvallen
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Effectiveness of CTF education: Measuring the learning outcomes of Jeopardy CTF’s
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The Soft Skills Business Demands of the Chief Information Security Officer
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The Impact of COVID-19 from the Perspectives of Dutch District Nurses: a Mixed-Methods Study
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Cyberweerbaarheidsapp mkb: ontwikkeling van een webapplicatie om de digitale weerbaarheid van het mkb te vergroten
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The Influence of Knowledge and Attitude on Intention to Adopt Cybersecure Behaviour
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