Towards a carbon credit & blue credit scheme for peatlands
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The holiday carbon footprint in tourism education: Learning from practice and experience La huella de carbón de las vacaciones en la enseñanza de turismo: Aprendiendo desde la práctica y la experiencia
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Carbon footprint in the downstream dairy value chain in Ziway-Hawassa milk shed, Ethiopia
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Finite element modelling of carbon fiber - carbon nanostructure - polymer hybrid composite structures
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Vegetable oils as carbon and energy source for Aureobasidium melanogenum in batch cultivation
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Eco-innovation for sustainable tourism transitions as a process of collaborative co-production: the case of a carbon management calculator for the Dutch travel industry
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Manual CARMACAL carbon calculator
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Hyperdominance in Amazonian forest carbon cycling
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Overview of carbon calculators and the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions in tourism. Research note to Working Package 1 (Development carbon calculator) and SME meeting on calculator development and tour operator requirements