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Wat kunnen we doen om de culturele en creatieve sector op langere termijn wendbaarder en weerbaarder te maken? Makers, culturele instellingen en andere creatieve partijen gingen met die vraag aan de slag binnen het programma Innovatielabs. In een tijdsbestek van achttien maanden onderzochten zij hoe innovatieprojecten een verschil kunnen maken bij actuele én toekomstige opga- ven in de sector. Van een herdefiniëring van de eigen rol en positie binnen het culturele ecosysteem tot de ontwikkeling van nieuwe platforms om gezamenlijke, organisatie overstijgende innovaties te realiseren. Er is nagedacht hoe instellingen publieksdata kunnen delen om hun doelgroepen beter te bereiken en hoe technologie kan worden ingezet om andere, nieuwe doelgroepen te bereiken.Het zijn natuurlijk mooie uitkomsten, maar met de afzonderlijke resultaten van deze projecten alleen komen we er niet. Willen we de sector echt beter uitrusten voor de toekomst, dan moeten we ook aandacht besteden aan de borging en inbedding van de opgedane kennis en ervaringen, op zo’n manier dat anderen erop kunnen voortbouwen. Met dat doel voor ogen, hebben we onderzoekersvan vier lectoraten gevraagd om de zestien Innovatielabs-projecten te volgen en dwarsverbanden tussen de doelen en methoden, die deze initiatieven hanteren, in kaart te brengen. Het onderzoek, dat is gefinancierd door Regieorgaan SIA, bleek op zichzelf ook een experiment en leertraject. Want hoe organiseer je kennisont- wikkeling en -uitwisseling door en tussen al deze verschillende betrokkenen en hoe zorg je ervoor dat de belangrijkste opbrengsten sectorbreed kunnenworden gedeeld?In dit onderzoeksrapport delen de onderzoekers hun bevindingen. Hierin is niet alleen aandacht voor de resultaten, maar vooral ook voor de processen van de zestien projecten die tot deze resultaten hebben geleid. Daarmee biedt het rapport inzichten en handvatten om op voort te bouwen. Want als we iets van Innovatielabs hebben geleerd, dan is het wel dat we alleen door gezamenlijke kennisontwikkeling en -uitwisseling de uitdagingen die voor ons liggen het hoofd kunnen bieden. Dit rapport markeert dan ook niet alleen het einde van de eerste editie van Innovatielabs, maar ook een nieuw begin.
Article for the Albanian Studies Days 2021 of the European University of Tirana. Higher education supports students in acquiring competences; a mix of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Experience has shown that it is precisely attitude and skills that ensure a better connection to the labor market, in whatever sector in whatever country.
Paper sludge contains papermaking mineral additives and fibers, which could be reused or recycled, thus enhancing the circularity. One of the promising technologies is the fast pyrolysis of paper sludge, which is capable of recovering > 99 wt.% of the fine minerals in the paper sludge and also affording a bio-liquid. The fine minerals (e.g., ‘circular’ CaCO3) can be reused as filler in consumer products thereby reducing the required primary resources. However, the bio-liquid has a lower quality compared to fossil fuels, and only a limited application, e.g., for heat generation, has been applied. This could be significantly improved by catalytic upgrading of the fast pyrolysis vapor, known as an ex-situ catalytic pyrolysis approach. We have recently found that a high-quality bio-oil (mainly ‘bio-based’ paraffins and low-molecular-weight aromatics, carbon yield of 21%, and HHV of 41.1 MJ kg-1) was produced (Chem. Eng. J., 420 (2021), 129714). Nevertheless, catalyst deactivation occurred after a few hours’ of reaction. As such, catalyst stability and regenerability are of research interest and also of high relevance for industrial implementation. This project aims to study the potential of the add-on catalytic upgrading step to the industrial fast pyrolysis of paper sludge process. One important performance metric for sustainable catalysis in the industry is the level of catalyst consumption (kgcat tprod-1) for catalytic pyrolysis of paper sludge. Another important research topic is to establish the correlation between yield and selectivity of the bio-chemicals and the catalyst characteristics. For this, different types of catalysts (e.g., FCC-type E-Cat) will be tested and several reaction-regeneration cycles will be performed. These studies will determine under which conditions catalytic fast pyrolysis of paper sludge is technically and economically viable.
Our world is changing rapidly as a result of societal and technological developments that create new opportunities and challenges. Extended Realities (XR) could provide solutions for the problems the world is facing. In this project we apply these novel solutions in food and hospitality. It aims to tackle fundamental questions on how to stimulate a healthy and vital society that is based on a sustainable and innovative economy. This project aims to answer the question: How can Extended Reality (XR) technologies be integrated in the design of immersive food experiences to stimulate sustainable consumption behavior? A multidisciplinary approach, that has demonstrated its strength in the creative industry, will be applied in the hospitality and food sector. The project investigates implications and design considerations for immersion through XR technology that can stimulate sustainable consumption behavior. Based on XR prototypes, physiological data will be collected using biometric measuring devices in combination with self-reports. The effect of stimuli on sustainable consumption behavior during the immersive experience will be tested to introduce XR implementations that can motivate long-term behavioral change in food consumption. The results of the project contribute towards developing innovations in the hospitality sector that can tackle global societal challenges by exploiting the impact of new technology and understanding of consumer behavior to promote a healthy lifestyle and economy. Next to academic publications and conference contributions, the project will develop a handbook for hospitality professionals. It will outline steps and design criteria for the implementation of XR technologies to create immersive experiences that can stimulate sustainable consumption behavior. The knowledge generated in the project will contribute to the development of the curriculum at the Academy for Hotel and Facility at Breda University of Applied Sciences by introducing a technology-driven experience design approach for the course Sustainable Strategic Business Design.
An Erasmus+ funded project in which universities from Denmark, Norway, and Portugal work alongside BUas to research and develop pre-preproduction teaching materials regarding the use of Virtual Production (VP) technologies. Lecturers and students from the consortium will get hands-on experience with BUas's XR stage, with the goals of collaboration and understanding of the needs of future media professionals.