A validated agent-based model for stress testing charging infrastructure utilization
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Heuristic Coordination in Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
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When Methods Meet Motives: methodological pluralism in Social Work research
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PreSchool@HealthyWeight: A preschool-based intervention for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) teachers in promoting healthy eating and physical activity in toddlers
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Het verbeteren van kennis over leesdidactiek en de kwaliteit van leesinstructie met behulp van data-gestuurde feedback
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The Psychology of Social Networking
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Hoe kies jij je minor? Een onderzoek naar beïnvloedingsfactoren van minorkeuzes van HBO-bachelorstudenten van Fontys Hogescholen.
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Thinking outside the box: a theory of embodied and embedded concepts
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Emerging epistemologies : making sense of teaching practice