Digital kiosks and inclusivity
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Passenger Dimensions in Sustainable Multimodal Mobility Services
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Generalized joint hypermobility and anxiety in adolescents and young adults, the impact on physical and psychosocial functioning
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Clinimetric properties of sacroiliac joint mobility tests
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Mobiles for mobility
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The functional consequences of Generalized Joint Hypermobility
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Children with Generalised Joint Hypermobility and Musculoskeletal Complaints: State of the Art on Diagnostics, Clinical Characteristics, and Treatment
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Is joint hypermobility associated with vesico-ureteral reflux? An assessment of 50 patients
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Effectiviteit van artrokinematisch mobiliseren en manipuleren van de diabetische voet bij limited joint mobility: een case report
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K2K Consortium development zero-emissions tourism mobility
Knowledge and Creativity European University (KreativEU)
MOdal shift, routing and nudging solutions in NAture areas for sustainable tourism.