Implementing Product-Service System Business Models in the Building and Construction Sector
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Comparing the Effectiveness of the Blended Delivery Mode With the Face-to-Face Delivery Mode of Smoking Cessation Treatment
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Hoe milieuonvriendelijk is vliegen tegenover trein of bus met aanleg en onderhoud van infrastructuur meegerekend?
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The holiday carbon footprint in tourism education: Learning from practice and experience La huella de carbón de las vacaciones en la enseñanza de turismo: Aprendiendo desde la práctica y la experiencia
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Climate Communication
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Taking affective learning in digital education one step further: trainees’ affective characteristics predicting multicontextual pre-training transfer intention.
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Towards a common European numeracy framework for adults
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Towards the second cycle of PIAAC
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Studierendement verbeteren met inzet van informatievaardigheid: verkenning van de mogelijkheden.