
Dutch Cycling Intelligence

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    E-Cycling intelligence

    E-cycling intelligence is a research project directly connected to the PhD-research of Joost de Kruijf at the Utrecht University. Within the program the effects of the introduction of e-bikes in daily commuting are being investigated. Using a large-scale incentive program targeting on behavioral change among car-oriented commuters the next four specific components are being :- Modal shift to e-cycling- Well-being and travel satisfaction of e-bikes vs. car- Weather circumstances and e-cycling- Behavioral intention to e-bike vs. actual behavior Using a combination of three surveys (baseline, one month and half a year) and continuous GPS-measurement on the behavior of more than 800 participants makes this research unique. In collaboration with the TU/e the GPS-dataset is being translated into relevant information on modal shift on different trip purposes offering a new range of possibilities to analyses behavioral change. Knowledge on every of the four topics in the project is translated scientific paper. The expected end of the project is July 2021.With the research not new insights are being gained, the Breda University of Applied Sciences also develops a scientific network of cycling related researchers together with a network of cycling engaged road authorities.


    Dutch Cycling Intelligence

    Dutch Cycling Intelligence (DCI) embodies all Dutch cycling knowledge to enhances customer-oriented cycling policy. Based on the data-driven cycle policy enhancement tools and knowledge of the Breda University of Applied Sciences, DCI is the next step in creating a learning community between road authorities, consultants, cycling industry, and knowledge institutes with their students. The DCI consists of three pilars:- Connecting- Accelerating knowledge- Developing knowledgeConnecting There are many stakeholders and specialists in the cycling domain. Specialists with additional knowledge about socio-cultural impacts, geo-special knowledge, and technical traffic solutions. All of these specialists need each other to ensure a perfect balance between the (electric) bicycle, the cyclist and the cycle path in its environment. DCI connects and brings together all kind of different specialists.Accelerating knowledge Many bicycle innovations take place in so-called living labs. Within the living lab, the triple helix collaboration between road authorities the industry and knowledge institutes is key. Being actively involved in state-of-the-art innovations creates an inspiring work and learning environment for students and staff. A practical example of a successful living lab is the cycle superhighway F261 between Tilburg and Waalwijk, where BUAS tested new cycle route signage. Next, the Cycling Lab F58 is created, where the road authorities Breda and Tilburg opened up physical cycling infrastructure for entrepreneurs in the bicycle domain and knowledge institutes to develop e-cycling innovation. The living labs are test environments where pilots can be carried out in practice and an excellent environment for students to conduct scientifically applied research.Developing knowledge Ultimately, data and information must be translated into knowledge. With a team of specialists and partners Breda University of applied sciences developed knowledge and tools to monitor and evaluate cycling behavior. By participating in (inter)national research programs BUAS has become one of the frontrunners in data-driven cycle policy enhancement. In close collaboration with road authorities, knowledge institutes as well as consultants, new insights and answers are developed in an international context. By an active knowledge contribution to the network of the Dutch Cycling Embassy, BUAS aims to strengthen its position and add to the global sustainability challenges. Partners: Province Noord-Brabant, Province Utrecht, Vervoerregio Amsterdam, Dutch Cycling Embassy, Tour de Force, University of Amsterdam, Technical University Eindhoven, Technical University Delft, Utrecht University, DTV Capacity building, Dat.mobility, Goudappel Coffeng, Argaleo, Stratopo, Move.Mobility Clients:Province Noord-Brabant, Province Utrecht, Province Zuid-Holland, Tilburg, Breda, Tour de Force




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