Christian Roth, PhD is a media psychologist, researcher and lecturer. He researches, teaches and designs transformational aspects of interactive artefacts and investigates the cognitive and embodied psychology behind interactive narrative design and user experience. Currently, Christian is a post-doc researcher on the topic of transformative experiences and docent in the Netherlands, teaching narrative and applied game design as well as research for design at the School of Games & Interaction at the University of the Arts Utrecht (HKU). He leads the Minor Interactive Narrative Design (MIND), an educational program for the future generation of narrative designers with a cross-cutting perspective.
Christian developed a measurement toolbox for the evaluation of interactive narrative user experiences within his PhD thesis “Experiencing Interactive Storytelling” at the VU University Amsterdam and as part of the interdisciplinary European FP7 project “Integrating Research in Interactive Storytelling (IRIS)”. He is chair of the evaluation workgroup in the international COST action “Interactive Narrative Design for Complexity Representations” (INDCOR).
In addition to his research activities he lectures on video game effects and advocates games for learning. Since 2011, he is co-founder and organisator of the annual interdisciplinary GameCamp Berlin, which unites game researchers and developers including different academic and artistic backgrounds.
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