Bernardina Borra

Bernardina Borra



Dr Bernardina Borra (1976) is an architect-urban planner, lecturer-researcher at the HvA within the Faculty of Engineering, specialising in urban design. As such, she is associated with the lectorate Building Transformation, and the Urban Design Lab. In addition, Bernardina is co-founder of SPcitI, as well as the multi-disciplinary Coalitie Ruimte voor Werk.

Her work includes design, research, curatorship, moderation, workshops and teaching. In de past years her interest and knowledge are focused on working areas, transformation areas and the mixed city, namely ecosystems of work in and around urban environments. Her focus is on spatial impact, new typologies at different scales, strategy and feasibility. Her most recent design research publications are MensenWerk 2018, Ecosystemen van werk in de Stad 2020. She is an expert in cooperative and participatory processes in urban development as well. In 2014, she received her PhD from TU Delft on "The Architecture of Co-operation, A Project for Organising Collective Creativity".



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